Welcome to DareJunkies.Com, your ultimate web resource for all things that you live with!
Our Story
Have you gone fed of searching for your different needs at different places? Are you currently looking for a perfect source that can keep you updated with the latest trends?
If yes, DareJunkies.com is just the right place you can choose in. Being huge is not quite enough to get succeeded but one needed to be perfect and updated to win the title’s trophy. Every customer has their own needs and preferences and we can’t ignore them as we are not having one in that particular area.
DareJunkies.com is a perfect online shopping platform that is being designed to keep the needs of people of every age in mind.
- Whether you are having a pet at home.
- You are willing to buy something for your baby.
- You are searching to get fitness and outdoor accessories.
- You are wanting to have some best electronics.
What We Do
We ensure you provide the best at affordable pricing. Customer satisfaction is our motto and we keep on working on this mode consistently. None in this world is perfect. We take the feedbacks coming from our customers as a way to improve and tries to resolve the related issues as soon as possible.
Editorial Guidelines
We include a wide range of options in our huge and well-managed library. Each product being summed up here is an assurance to the quality and is for sure going to be available for you with the best pricing.
We own a team of professionals that tries to match the rising demands of our customers with the best. Different online reviews are being taken as credit and the customer care team always there to assist our customers with the best solutions.
DareJunkies.com is a perfect place that will provide you the best reviews which is more trustable and transparent. It’s not always about making business only but it is also about making relations and that we are orderly following up with our high-end services.
The Team Behind DareJunkies
Managing Editor
The journey of Tania Thomson towards success was not so smooth. Starting up her journey from a small town, she has worked hard to achieve this position. She is a B.Tech graduate and was living up a happily married life. She was initially a middle school Spanish teacher. An accident just shatters down here life completely. She lost her husband in that accident. Her life got completely changed. Achieving success is not so easy. You have to work hard to reach your targets and she does it perfectly.
She started selling local things in the online market while taking care of her twins at the same time too. Initiation was surely not that sparkling but she gradually starts achieving results after some time. A business started from a junk took on a huge shape now. Tania was a true pet lover from her childhood and being a mom, she well knows what exactly a kid needs. She just turned her love and passion into a source of living and the results are just mind blowing. A keen sense of love and care is now changing the lives of millions of others and are helping them in getting the best solutions ever.
Founding Team
Being born in the house of a multimillionaire from Los Angeles, James Berry started his carrier as a trainee engineer in his own company. Yet he has born up with the silver spoon, but he has fought hard to bring achievers title in his life. After completing his graduation in B.Tech electronics he prefers to pursue MBA for assisting his father in his business also. Hiking, Sports, Bungee Jumping, and electronic gadgets are some of the things he is quite passionate about. Imaginations and creativeness bring up innovations and he admire that. He used to explore the different electronic gadgets and tries to create a new one out as per his own from a very young age.
James is a high-end tech lover and tries to explore each section with the best. He masters in electronic gadgets and smart gadgets and tries to make them the use of everyone. Innovations are sudden and change one’s life at any moment. And the results just got hiked up if they are being come up in a safe, secure and affordable packaging. If you have any doubts you can check out the success story of this brilliance at any time.
Writer and Tech Enthusiast
After completing his high school, Maverick Kaiser joined an engineering college at Los Angeles. Maverick has always remained an average student. Living up to the parent’s expectations is something that most of us surely have failed to do. It is not always about that we can’t do that but it is about how effectively we are being forced to do that. He was a pet lover and had no interest in technology initially. His parents wanted him to be a B.Tech electronics graduate and that’s why he was forcefully admitted in the same course.
As he is having no interest in electronics initially, he failed thrice in the same class. Introduction to the real world of electronics was an accident to him. He found an opportunity to attend a tech exhibition with his cousin and that changed his life. He found the tech advancements interesting ones and tries to emphasize it for his love i.e. pets. Passion and creation when come up together bring up innovation into the world. He had developed a lot of electronic gadgets for assisting pets. Whether it is BarxBuddy Device or it is about Dog Training Collars all are being amazed in the list.
Senior Editor
Smart Gadgets and fitness both are Jenson House weak points. He is passionate about the gym and smart gadgets. He used to spend most of his time while exploring these. After completing his B.Tech electronics and MBA, Jenson prefers to pursue is a passion for a profession. He started his job as an engineer in one of the most renowned electronic gadget firms and tries to drag down his ideas on his workstation. Working in the limitations was surely something that was restricting his way. He quit his job and started working in his lab.
Starting was surely not smooth for him. He initially faces faced a lot of financial and social glitches. He was being forced by his parents to get a new job again. Success doesn’t come up suddenly. One has to work hard on a dedicated path to get it eventually. He keeps on doing his experiments and eventually got succeeded in creating different smart gadgets as his own. He still has created different fitness and outdoor gadgets and also has innovated different patio and lawn equipment to help gardeners also. He has succeeded in winning the hearts of millions of tech enthusiasts and already have become a motivation for millions of students out there.